
CX Nepal

Key terms used in the Customer Experience domain, as defined by the CX Academy.


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There are currently 37 names in this directory

It is when the customer goes out of their way to recommend the company to their friends, family, and business colleagues.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Artificial Intelligence is the ability of a computer or system to act like a human being. The ultimate abilities and limitations of AI are unknown as it is constantly developing and evolving. AI is used in every sector from healthcare to financial services, retail, and education.

Augmented Reality
Augmented Reality or AR is the use of technology to combine real word images, video, etc. with computer-generated information and imagery. AR is becoming more popular in recent years. While it is commonly used in gaming and more recently training and education, it is becoming increasingly popular in all industries. Companies can use AR to create an immersive and interactive Customer Experience.


Bots and Chat Bots
A bot is an automated computer program designed to perform a certain function automatically or without human intervention. Bots can be used to do lots of things. In terms of CX, one of the most common types of bots is the chat bot. Chat bots are often used in web chat or instant messaging systems to provide automated responses to customer queries.


A channel is a medium through which the company and customers interact and communicate with each other. This can be one-way, through activities such as marketing, or two-way, through activities such as service.

Channel Harmony
Channel Harmony is about making sure that all the channels that are used to interact with the customers work together to give the beset experience possible.; each channel must complement each other, not just replicate the experience in a different way.

CRM Systems
CRM stands for Customer Relationship Management. CRM Systems are essentially databases designed to capture and hold all the customer data. A good CRM system will allow the staff to quickly and easily access all the information the company has about their customers. Most importantly, a CRM should provide a single view of the customer, helping to improve the Customer Experience.

With Cross-Channel the experience of a customer starts on one channel and then moves to another. This change between channels can happen at any stage of a customer journey.

Culture is the underlying beliefs, assumptions, values, and ways of interacting that contribute to the unique social and psychological environment of an organization.

Customer Acquisition
Customer acquisition is the way in which a company gets new customers to purchase their goods and services.

Customer Centric Culture
Culture in which the customer is at the heart of everything the company does. A customer centric culture embodies the belief that the customers are the main reason the company exists, obsessed with really understanding the customer, have razor-shar focus on creating excellent experiences for customer at every interaction, customer are the priority, and every decision is driven by the customers’ perspective into account.

Customer Expectations
The standard of experience that a customer expects from a company.

Customer Experience
Customer Experience is how a customer feels as a result of every interaction they have with a company.

Customer Experience Excellence
Customer Experience Excellence happens when a company exceeds their customers’ expectations consistently.

Customer Journey
Customer Journey is defined as every interaction across every touchpoint that a customer has with the company.

Customer Journey Mapping
Customer Journey Mapping is a process in which the company needs to walk in their customers’ shoes and map out every interaction at every touchpoint along the customer journey for each different type of customer.

Customer Loyalty
Customer Loyalty is the extent to which a customer is connected and committed to doing business with a company.

Customer Promise
Customer promise is the experience a company’s customers can expect to consistently receive when they interact with that company.

Customer Retention
Customer Retention is a company’s ability to retain their existing customers.

Customer Service
The functional elements a company provides to its customers before, during and after a product or service is bought.

CX Taskforce
The CX taskforce is a cross functional team of CX champions from across the company, who are responsible for delivering the company’s CX strategy.


Digital & Technology
Digital & Technology is defined as the use of tools, systems, devices, and resources to deliver, monitor, measure and improve the Customer Experience.


Emotional Intelligence
It is about being aware of your emotions, how to manage them and how to use them to get along with others.

Employee Empowerment
Empowerment means enabling the people within the organization to make decisions, give them authority, responsibility, trust, resources, and support to do so.

Expectations Gap
Expectations Gap is the difference between what the customer was promised and what the customer received.


Machine Learning (ML)
Machine Learning is a type of artificial intelligence that learns or adapts over time. Instead of following static rules coded in a program, machine learning focuses on the development of computer programs that can access data and use it to learn for themselves. Machine learning is used in lots of ways including applications and systems for medical diagnosis, autonomous vehicles, predictive text, speech recognition and image recognition.

Measurement is defined as a quantitative indictor that is a reliable guide to whether a customer relationship is getting better or getting worse.

Multi-channel refers to companies using two or more channels to interact with their customers.


Omni-Channel is delivering an integrated and cohesive approach through multiple channels, no matter what channel or device a customer is using.

Opti-Channel is about guiding the customer to the channel that is most suited to what they are trying to do, based on the journey the customer is on, customer’s preferences and behaviors.


Qualitative Data
Qualitative data consists of words and narratives, highlighting key words. Qualitative data in CX are obtained from the voice of the customer program customer comments, sales team anecdotes to customer complaints.

Quantitative Data
Quantitative data are made of numerical information, and the analysis involves statistical techniques and metrics. Quantitative data are obtained from the technological tools used to collect, process, and populate information in readable form.


User Experience (UX)
User Experience describes the emotions a person has when using a product or service online or using a device. UX design is the practice of using design to improve communication between a product and its user to enhance the user’s overall experience. The user experience forms part of the overall customer experience.

User Interface (UI)
The User Interface includes all the parts of a website, app, computer, smartphone, etc. that the user can interact with. Display and touch screens, website menus, keyboards, cursors – these are all part of a user interface.


Values signify what is important to the company and provide guidelines on how everyone in the company should behave.

Vision describes where the company wants to go and communicates its goals to the organization, providing direction and focus.

Voice of Customer (VOC)
VOC is defined as how an organization collects customer feedback about their experiences on a regular basis. It involves analyzing the information and sharing the findings with the right people who can act upon it.

Professional Certificate in Customer Experience (CX)

Customer Experience is how a customer feels as a result of every interaction they have with a company.

Professional Diploma in Customer Experience (CX)

Customer Experience is how a customer feels as a result of every interaction they have with a company.

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